Tuesday, 19 November 2013

I forget how beautiful it was

I forget how beautiful it was
when you all come together

Keep it together
my brothers
Keep them together
my good sisters

I forget how beautiful it was
when you all come together

Keep it up my brother, yes you without a father
fight harder
Keep it together my sister, hold them even closer
the good Lord will keep ye

I forget how beautiful it was
when it all came together

Keep the Faith
Keep the Hope
Keep the Love

Keep nothing else

Monday, 18 November 2013

Addicted to NO

I like No sometimes, in fact I think I can’t l live without it because it makes Yes even more desirable, I have been forever chasing Yes, but No, has always been by my side.

When I eventually catch up to Yes, I am so darn tied, and sick of chasing that I find that I don’t even know what I am going to do with Yes. Things are much easier with No, and its easy to get comfortable here but I know what to do with it, change it into a Yes, a big fat one.

Once I get my Yes, it’s then on to the next one. Sometimes you’ll need to say Yes to someone, for the rest of your life, day in day out but before you can do that, you need to practice saying Yes to yourself quite  number times, to make the process a lot easier. It’s a choice, like all joys of life. 

Sometimes when you get your Yes, then you have to move on to less greener pastures, I don‘t know about you, but sometimes it feels like, we not on this earth to party away, without getting any work done.

As the long the is NO, the will be a YES, right? 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Money Issue

Is a tough one at this moment in my life, just thinking about it, but earlier this I decided I wanted to learn a bit more about money and see the real value in knowing how to manage it, so that it benefits you and those around, you, I have to say, I haven’t gotten anywhere much on actually building some sort of income, but I have learnt this:

  • ·         It normal to be thinking about money, since it’s such a normal and play an important role in this world so we shouldn't feel bad into thinking about it and trying to make ways of a sustainable living.
  • ·         Don’t worry about money but it is important to know how it works, for it affects what you do. And eventually it will come either way.
  • ·         Focus on what you love, your passion and learning and making better decision about your life, and your money, because money will come and go.

Remember this: the person you are becoming is more important that the how much wealth monetarily acquire if you’re a just an empty vessel.
Yeah for some of use this may seem irrelevant but this is true for most If not all of us. Where you try and think where is the next buck going to come from, sometimes it’s a trill on the quest to figuring that out, until you have to follow through, not once, not twice but as long as it will take.

My Grand Mama says, “Work Hard”, and all will usually fall to place, unfortunately, she left out the part, of how intricate, how complicated this process is(life). I guess that’s up to you, and of course it’s unto you to teach your neighbour as much as you can about financial management, if your neighbour won’t do it, go ask someone who will.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Yesterday know we live in such diverse country, the other day I was at the robots promoting camp and with some people I don't know to address in English or in an indigenous language, but I'll love this place, these people, it only takes very little from us, in all our differences to realise we are one but not the same.

South Africa you never realise what you have unless you choose to, until it’s gone.

You remind of a spoiled child or a very abused child which can’t fit in or trying too hard to fit in and hiding its pain, I see it in your eyes, yours destiny is will be in history, you choose to write it, but know whatever you choose, it will be written down in history.

You remind of and adult version of yourself, simply said, others who have been in yours situation, who have complain and complain but where never willing to change anything about themselves or take part  in any activity that does not benefit them further than the ballot paper, but we all know the real task is ahead of us. You have a sad history, I can’t deny but this doesn’t have to determine your future, but in order for us to get here, one thing we have to do, I try and let go of what could have been since it’s behind us and let’s focus on the present, and what we savaged from the fire.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Raise the bar

We need to raise the bar, we need that audacious faith. We are in the valley we can’t give up now; we will rise again to this divine task, this calling. We are here for a reason, on this particular path, at this particular time.

Let the case be not that we’re sitting here waiting here for the Messiah to come, he has come, he will come and he is among us, in us, within us.
If I hear one more, whine, one more, racial slur I’ll go crazy, I’ll go nuts.

Your fear has driven you to the edge of a very dark path, you have your head so far up your rectum you don’t see the racism, your hatred for another, just so you feel threatened because you are minority, so you put a spell, and a web of lies, you under deliver just so you can keep you position and vice over me, well not anymore, I will suffer your self-atoning acts of pure selfishness no more.

I am not the animal here, you are forcing my hand, and I will strike upon thee with great vengeance!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

We know this place

We know this place, at our schools they teach us to be good employees and not good bosses and mangers, maybe we need a little more of this; No we need a lot of this, starting small fires everywhere.

This is not going to save the Africa in particular but we can definitely rest easy knowing that we tried something, we changed something in the world, the ever receiving hand, not giving anything, there is a difference to when is given and when something is taken.

This won’t solve all our problems but it’s a start to many greater efforts. 

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Are We Loosing Our Identity?

I’m feeling good about the future, but you know what concerns me more, is the fact that we are losing our identity, in all of this; let it not be the case. Its good do adopt some of the western society’s principles, but know that they come with a price, but let it not be our Africanism, what sets us apart from the rest.

Keep our principles but we just change the way we do things, I shall not dwell on that any further than for one, how we educate our societies. I propose a holistic a approach is the solution to manier of our problems, which we don’t practice much.

Keep community, community is a good medium for growth, but let not stay in one place, or build walls in between each other once we get the fancy Job, or have a big car, house, we all want that but when one link suffers we all suffer directly or indirectly, instead we use our skills and talents to bring up those behind us, if not at all within reach at least keep them in the light. We don’t need another face booked society or that has never seen the sight of one another at times, and yes the is power in social media than can’t be denied e.g.“Egypt”.

Let’s try to own it, unique, uniquely from the motherland 

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Lessons to be learned

There is no use in complaining about something if you don’t do anything about it, especially if you don’t change your mind about it.

South of Africa beautiful country, but its running its self-down, by holding on to the one thing that poisons the soul most without even hiring an assassin , it called pride.

We need help, Africa in General needs help, but that call for help has been interpreted to some as begging, therefore making us easily taken advantage of. Like an abused child, very hard to trust anybody, because your abuser is all you, think about, they become your center, so you don’t see yourself without them. There is a physicological behind that.

Victims after abuse tend to defend or get attached to the practices of the abuser, so making the abused the abuser. I mean is this what we are seeing here?  Some sort of diabolical cycle. Our own government, a few years ago was pushed over to the edge of pure selflessness to die, and  fight for thy fellow man and woman, but now it seems like, We back to square one, just on a different level.